CDH brings

Coding Competitions , Monthly Challenges , Projects Building , Live Events , and Many More to Go...
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About CDH

Since 2020

CDH is an official Club declared in the Year 2020 amidst of Covid-19 pandemic. The club is organised by the ITER's placement department and the SOA's Aluminis. We come up with the ideas and opportunies for those students who are good at coding and for those who aren't. This club is basically meant for all those ITERians who are willing to grasp knowledge in the field of coding , aptitude/reasoning and all the placement stuffs.

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Our Fields

Languages and Frameworks

Competitive Coding

It’s the activity that requires creativity and analytical thinking to tackle difficult coding problems and includes events (usually held over the internet).

Web Development

CDH focuses on every member to get acquainted with scratch of web Dev from HTML/CSS and JS so that everyone can understand about web fundamentals.


Like Microsoft windows, Apple Mac OS, iOS, Google android, etc, Linux is also an operating system. Shell scripting is used intensively in Linux/Unix World for Coding.

Android Development

In Android development new applications are created for devices running on Android.These apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages.

C Language

C is a high-level and general-purpose programming language that is ideal for developing firmware, portable applications and for programming at University Level.

Java Language

Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Our Projects


2021 - Ongoing

Project Stack

ITER, SOA University

It have different projects on different stacks such as Web, android and ML.

2021 - Ongoing


ITER, SOA University

Dashboard for MCQ team of Coding Wizards Club.

2021 - Ongoing

GUI Applications

ITER, SOA University

It has GUI applications made in different languages.

2020 - Ongoing

Club's Website

ITER, SOA University

It includes all the projects,events conducted, rules and regulations, sites for practise, Members list and much more about the club under a single roof.

2021 - Ongoing


ITER, SOA University

Open source contribution for algorithms are accepted here(You just need to fork this repo in your Github and push the algorithms here) and suggestions or feedback are postively given.

2020 - 2021


ITER, SOA University

Covid current Confirmed ,Active, Recovered, Deaths cases are showcased in the website.Location API is used for accessing nearby hospitals.

Club Organisers